My Student Account (MSA) enables online ordering and management of funds for the College's canteen system. Accessible to both students and parents, it allows them to handle orders and finances with ease

MyStudent Account - User Guide

Adding money to your school account

Your Student Account allows you to:


You can select a daily amount available to spend in the Web Profile by clicking "Add/Edit" Accounts" and selecting an account to edit. Please inform your students of this value to save time at service.


You can specify an amount when the system will send a Low Balance Email. Note: If reset to zero you will not receive emails.


By clicking the Transaction History Icon in "Action Icons" on the right of the screen a history of the last three months of transactions are available to view.


For Junior Students parents can Order Lunches online by clicking "Online Orders" then selecting the Student to order for. Click "Create New Order", Select a Menu and follow the prompts until "Finish".

Banning Items from Sale:
You can select specific items to be made unavailable for sale in "Add Edit Account" section. Select a Student to edit and click next to go through features until "Add Prohibited Item" and select an item from the list.


If your student has a dietary concern you can specify an Alert Message that is visible to the cashier when the student makes a purchase. Although the School already has these details it is prudent to add an alert message and also ban items from sale. This is not designed for messages such as "Please remove seeds from tomatoes" and should only be used for serious dietary concerns.


For all enquiries related to purchases, please contact the School Canteen.

For all enquiries related to payments or Parent Web Portal Support contact:

My Student Account
Phone: 1300 369 783